
Imagine learning art history using a whole city as your handbook…Taking a stroll through different eras, holding your breath in front of   historical masterpieces.

Immaginate di poter affrontare lo studio della storia dell’arte usando una città intera come vostro libro di testo. Fare una passeggiata tra le diverse epoche, trattenendo il respiro di fronte alla bellezza di capolavori senza tempo.

The MA in Art History in Rome from Late Antiquity to the Present is designed to prepare for careers in museums, galleries, foundations, auction houses, archaeological sites, art consulting and art publishing, and for further study at the doctoral level.  The teaching will be mostly held in direct contact with the art works and contexts, as the programme has close ties with many of the most important art history institutions active in Rome.

A University degree or a recognised post-secondary qualification is required. Selection is based on academic standing, CV and certified knowledge of English language (CEF B2).

See the brochure on the homepage for further information

Consultare la brochure e i files nella homepage per ulteriori informazioni